Royalty Collection

For Composers & Authors:

Register with a PRO and Collect your Royalties.

Unlock the full potential of your music with our all-in-one guide, providing expert assistance to help you navigate international standards and take your music global. Discover the essential aspects of international music standards and how they can propel your music career to new heights. From copyright compliance to performance royalties and digital distribution, our platform guides you with the necessary tools and resources to navigate the global music landscape seamlessly.

Register with a PRO

Sign up with a Performance Rights Organization (PRO).

  • Affiliate with a PRO.
  • Register in International Writer database as a Composer/Author.
  • Eligible to Collect Royalties.
  • Receive IPI Number – International ID code for Songwriters.

Register Works

Secure your creations by registering your music with the PRO.

  • Work Protection.
  • Digital Royalties tracking.
  • Eligible to Register Public Performances.
  • Reach 50,000-120,000 Impressions.
  • No Subscription Fees.

Collect Royalties

Sit back and relax as we handle the intricate process of royalty collection on your behalf.

  • Receive your Performance Royalties.
  • Receive Mechanical Royalties.
  • Annual deposit.
  • 0% Commission Fee.

Expert Guidance and Support

At TINUTU, we have a dedicated team of experts ready to assist you every step of the way. Whether it’s navigating the nuances of performance rights or understanding the intricacies of digital streaming revenues, we provide the guidance and support necessary to maximize your earnings and protect your creative work.

Why do I need a PRO?

Our team registers and manages aspiring songwriters with a Performing Rights Organization. A PRO collects your royalties and protects your written work. Having a PRO is an important early step in an aspiring songwriter, composer and/or artist’s career. A songwriter needs a PRO to collect his Performance Royalties and Mechanical Royalties.

Join us today to start your journey toward efficient and effective royalty collection!